Give a Dog A Home

Ruby the Possum Pom
May 4, 2003 7:23 a.m. Sunday

Lisa Stanley of Ohio Maltese Rescue is an amazing person. I have never met her and I've had very limited email contact with her. At least twice, possibly three times, I have sent information about a Maltese in need of rescue, and she has responded and said she would help. She puts out an online newsletter and the archives are open to the public. The following is from the January 2003 newsletter. I think it's worth reading but make sure you have tissues handy first.

Ruby the Possum Pom - A story of Love and Hope

I saw the post come through last December on one of the rescue email lists I belong to, a list which deals a lot with Missouri and puppymill issues. I read it with a sigh - a rescuer in Missouri had become disabled, had lost her job, and now was losing her home, and had a last few dogs she needed to place with other rescues, or into homes, which was less likely. I don't remember what the other dogs listed were, but I saw the Pom listed there, all it said was "old female Pom"

Like so many times before, I cringe inside. Poms are my second breed to rescue, I am a Maltese rescue first and foremost. I can take in only a very few of the Poms that I read about in need. I say a little prayer that someone will take this girl. But no, the post comes through again the next day. A couple more of the dogs are spoken for, but not the Pom. I email the woman who has her, saying I might possibly be able to take her if she can arrange transport. This is my magic secret hope! So many times when I say I might take one, someone else closer and more convenient will show up to handle it. I hope like hell that will happen this time.

But that is not to be this time. She writes me back that no one else is interested, she has been told by several other rescue people to put this poor little girl down. She is very old, and in very bad shape. I am now committed to taking her. I post for transport.

Surprisingly, an answer comes in right away. There is a transport coming to Dayton from St Louis, and they are happy to add Ruby to the run. Things come together easily, so I know it is meant to be.

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The last five entries:
National Dog Bite Prevention Week May 16-22 - May 21, 2004
URGENT: Two Shih Tzu in VA Need a Home by Thursday - May 19, 2004
Ohio Puppies Need Homes ASAP - May 19, 2004
New Jersey's Animal Friendly License Plates - May 17, 2004
Swiffer Wet Jet Rumor - May 14, 2004
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